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Basic Key Management

As you have now built Sentinel CLI, you can manage your keys.

Create a new key

Open your terminal and type

sentinelcli keys add <wallet_name>

You can create a new key with the name default as in the following example:

sentinelcli keys add default

This is the output of sentinelcli add key default

- name: default
type: local
address: sent1706klv73nhw2k3p0yl3l88q9p6vlypudrk3nr7
pubkey: '{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey","key":"AxU17+KenLYWlmN50t+zDNvOz3YtzrBT6YwzGfi56Wvb"}'
mnemonic: ""

**Important** write this mnemonic phrase in a safe place.
It is the only way to recover your account if you ever forget your password.

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The key comes with a "mnemonic phrase", which is serialized into a human-readable 24-word mnemonic. User can recover their associated addresses with the mnemonic phrase.


It is important that you keep the mnemonic for address secure, as there is no way to recover it. You would not be able to recover and access the funds in the wallet if you forget the mnemonic phrase.

Restore existing key by seed phrase

If you already have a seed phrase, use the --recover flag after the command:

sentinelcli keys add default_restore --recover

You will be prompet to type your mnemonic

> Enter your bip39 mnemonic
## Enter your 24-word mnemonic here ##

List your keys

If you already have one or more keys, use the following command to list them:

sentinelcli keys list

Multiple keys can be created when needed. You can list all keys saved under the storage path.


This is the output of sentinelcli add key default

- name: default
type: local
address: sent13zzgfl5n05tk97sq7xdgvx5zmfhx6undyw8722
pubkey: '{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey","key":"A6oQhw7UBXp98BxGq8n638dkkYxDhLXHlIsWTdvibY70"}'
mnemonic: ""
- name: default_recover
type: local
address: sent1tsefn9fs66gzjzuld0lf402t6p5rhgwcntzahs
pubkey: '{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey","key":"A0N2NsaJVu4i11jBeoVMvSFDqoGi2nDcJlplMUF9BVS1"}'
mnemonic: ""

Retrieve key information

If you want to view the details of one of your keys, type this command:

sentinelcli keys show <key_name>

You will get the same output as of the first example where we created the key.

Delete a key

If you want to delete one of your keys, type this command:

sentinelcli keys delete <key_name>

You will get the following prompt:

Key reference will be deleted. Continue? [y/N]: y
Key deleted forever (uh oh!)

Make sure you have backed up the key mnemonic before removing any of your keys, as there will be no way to recover your key without the mnemonic.

Export private keys

If you want to export and backup one of your keys, type the following command:

sentinelcli keys export <key_name>

You will get the following prompt:

Enter passphrase to encrypt the exported key: ## Insert passphrase (must be at least 8 characters)##
kdf: bcrypt
salt: ## Salt of the key ##
type: secp256k1


The keyring-backend option

Interacting with a node requires a public-private key pair. A keyring is the container that holds these keys, which can be stored in various locations, each with a specified backend type.

sentinelcli keys [subcommands] --keyring-backend [backend type]

Os backend

The default os backend stores the keys in operating system's credential subsystem, which is convenient for most users without compromising on security.

Here is a list of password managers corresponding to different operating systems:

File backend

The file backend stores the encrypted keys inside the app's configuration directory. A password entry is required everytime a user access it, which may also result in multiple repeated password prompts in a single command.

Test backend

The test backend is a password-less variation of the file backend. It stores unencrypted keys inside the app's configuration directory and should only be used in testing environments. It should never be used in production.