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Install Docker

Install dependencies

sudo apt-get install --yes curl git openssl

Get the official Docker installation script

curl -fsSL -o ${HOME}/

Install Docker

sudo sh ${HOME}/

Enable Docker

sudo systemctl enable --now docker

Add user to Docker group

sudo usermod -aG docker $(whoami)

Execute the final command to apply the changes (similar to logging in again)

sudo -i -u $(whoami)

Install Portainer (optional)

If you want a nice graphic view to manager your Node container, you can install Portainer:

docker volume create portainer_data
docker run -d -p 9443:9443 --name portainer --restart=always -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v portainer_data:/data portainer/portainer-ce:latest

Now that the installation is complete, you can log into your Portainer Server instance by opening a web browser and going to:
