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With Sentinel Hub, you can execute various operations to engage with staking.


To delegate to another validator address type the following command in your terminal:

sentinelhub tx staking delegate <sentvaloper_validator_address> \
<amount>udvpn \
--from=<your_keyname> \
--chain-id=sentinelhub-2 \
--node \
--gas-prices=0.5udvpn \

Make sure to replace <sentvaloper_validator_address>, <amount>, and <your_keyname> with the appropriate values for your delegation.


To redelegate to another validator address type the following command in your terminal:

sentinelhub tx staking redelegate \
<source_validator_address> \
<destination_validator_address> \
<amount>udvpn \
--from=<your_keyname> \
--chain-id=sentinelhub-2 \
--node \
--gas-prices=0.5udvpn \

Make sure to replace <source_validator_address>, <destination_validator_address>, <amount>, and <your_keyname> with the appropriate values for your delegation.


To unbond your staked amount from a validator type on your terminal

sentinelhub tx staking unbond <sentvaloper_validator_address> \
<amount>udvpn \
--from=<delegator_address> \
--chain-id=sentinelhub-2 \
--node \
--gas-prices=0.5udvpn \

This command will unbond the specified <amount> of UDVPN tokens from the validator identified by <sentvaloper_validator_address>. Ensure that you replace <your_keyname> with the actual name of your key.

Withdraw Staking Rewards

To claim both your staking rewards and commissions, execute the following command in your terminal:

sentinelhub tx distribution withdraw-rewards <sentvaloper_validator_address> \
--from=<your_keyname> \
--commission \
--chain-id=sentinelhub-2 \
--node \
--gas-prices=0.5udvpn \

Replace <sentvaloper_validator_address> with the actual validator address you staked with, and <your_keyname> with the name of your key. Adjust the gas prices and limit according to your preference and network conditions.

Set Withdrawal Address

To set an alternative address for withdrawing your rewards, use the following command:

sentinelhub tx distribution set-withdraw-addr <withdrawal_address> \
--from=<your_keyname> \
--chain-id=sentinelhub-2 \
--node \
--gas-prices=0.5udvpn \

Make sure to replace <withdrawal_address> with the actual address you want to set as your withdrawal destination and <your_keyname> with your specific key name. Adjust other parameters as needed.

Create Validator

Create a new validator and initialize it with a self-delegation.

sentinelhub tx staking create-validator \
--broadcast-mode=block \
--min-self-delegation=1 \
--amount=<self_delegation_amount>udvpn \
--commission-max-change-rate=0.01 \
--commission-max-rate=0.2 \
--commission-rate=0.05 \
--moniker="<validator_name>" \
--pubkey="<full_node_public_key>" \
--from="<validator_key_name>" \
--chain-id=sentinelhub-2 \
--gas=300000 \

If you're currently in the validator creation process, refer to this page in the validator guide for further assistance.

Edit Validator

The Edit-Validator transaction lets you update different aspects of your validator, like the description, website, security contact, commissions, PGP identity, and moniker.

sentinelhub tx staking edit-validator \
--identity=<your_pgp_key_with_no_spaces> \
--website="<>" \
--security-contact="<email_address>" \
--moniker="<new_validator_moniker>" \
--commission-rate=<new_commission_rate> \
--from="<validator_key_name>" \
--chain-id=sentinelhub-2 \
--gas-prices=0.5udvpn \

Unjail Validator

The Unjail Validator transaction allows you to release your validator from a jailed state and restore it to its usual operational status.

sentinelhub tx slashing unjail \
--from="<validator_key_name>" \