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Create an Offline Transaction

To initiate an offline transaction using your terminal, follow these steps:

sentinelhub tx bank send \
<sender_address> \
<recipient_address> \
<amount>udvpn \
--chain-id=sentinelhub-2 \
--gas-prices=0.5udvpn \
--gas=300000 \
--generate-only \
--offline \
--account-number=<account_number> \
--sequence=<sequence_number> \
> unsigned.json

In comparison to online transactions, there are additional fields that require clarification:

  • --generate-only: This option generates the transaction without executing it.
  • --offline: This flag explicitly indicates that the transaction is intended to be conducted offline.
  • --account-number: Refers to the account number associated with your wallet
  • --sequence: It represents the transaction number associated with the address up to that point.
  • > unsigned.json: This command directs the output to a file named unsigned.json.

After running this command, an unsigned.json file will be created. Keep in mind that this file must be signed offline before proceeding to broadcast the transaction.