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Sign an Offline Transaction

To sign an offline transaction using your terminal, follow these steps:

sentinelhub tx sign \
unsigned.json \
--from=<your_keyname> \
--output-document=signed.json \
--chain-id=sentinelhub-2 \
--offline \
--account-number=<account_number> \

In comparison to online transactions, there are additional fields that require clarification:

  • --output-document: This command directs the output to a file named signed.json.
  • --offline: This flag explicitly indicates that the transaction is intended to be conducted offline.
  • --account-number: Refers to the account number associated with your wallet
  • --sequence: It represents the transaction number associated with the address up to that point.

After running this command, an signed.json file will be created. Keep in mind that broadcasting this file to the network is essential for the execution of the transaction.