Sentinel dVPN Telegram Channels
- Sentinel dVPN: The official main community channel.
- Sentinel Official Announcements: Official Sentinel news and announcements.
- Sentinel DVPN Coin Price: DVPN Coin price discussion.
- Sentinel Node Network: A group for dVPN node operators.
- Sentinel RPC Node Network: A group for RPC Node operators.
- Sentinel IBC Relayers: A group for IBC Relayers operators.
- Sentinel Growth DAO: A place for everyone to discuss and participate in the Sentinel Growth DAO.
- Sentinel Independent News (S.I.N.): Unofficial Sentinel news channel.
- Sentinel Free Speech: The Legendary Sentinel Free Speech Group. All are welcome. No malicous images or files allowed.
- Sentinel Bureau of Memetic Warfare: A channel which posts OC Sentinel memes.
- Sentinel dVPN Applications Testing: A group where user can report their app testing outcomes.
- Sentinel AI Data Layer Testing: A group where user can report their AI Data Layer testing outcomes.
- Meile dVPN: Everything regarding Meile dVPN is discussed in this very active group.
- Norse Labs: Anything related to Norse Labs can be discussed in this group.
- Independent dVPN: The Turkish free dVPN that is becoming very popular.
- V2:App: A dVPN App powered by the advanced V2Ray technology.
Utility Bots
- Sentinel Validators Missed Blocks: Automated channel for monitoring validator missed blocks and jailings/unjailings.
- Sentinel Whale Monitor: Automated channel for monitoring big transactions and foundation-related wallets.
- Sentinel Node Monitor: A free Telegram bot designed for Sentinel node operators to monitor node information and status.