Node Scripts
This page contains simple and useful scripts for development within the Sentinel Ecosystem.
Copy the scripts below into a file and save it with a .sh
Make the file executable by running the following command:
sudo chmod +x
Run the file using the terminal
Script list
Explore the collection of scripts below
Node Status
Provides the status of the specified sentnode
Node Status
# Fetching the JSON data from the API
api_response=$(curl -s
# Extracting the remote URL from the JSON response
remote_url=$(echo "$api_response" | jq -r '.node.remote_url')
# Fetching the status from the remote URL
status_response=$(curl -k "$remote_url/status" | jq '.')
echo "Status from $remote_url:"
echo "$status_response" | jq '.'
RPC Countries
Lists the countries of the RPC Nodes.
RPC Countries
# List of addresses to iterate over
# Iterate over each address
for address in "${addresses[@]}"; do
echo "Address: $address"
# Get the IP address
rpc_ipv4=$(nslookup "$address" | awk '/^Address: / { print $2 }')
# Get country information for the address
country=$(curl -s "${rpc_ipv4}" | jq -r '.country')
# Print the country information
echo "Country: $country"
echo ""
RPC Uptime
Lists the RPC Nodes and their uptime.
Using Sentinelhub
# List of addresses to iterate over
for node in "${rpc_addresses[@]}"; do
echo ""
echo "$node stats:"
# Capture the real time only using time command and redirecting stdout and stderr to /dev/null
real_time=$( { time /usr/local/bin/sentinelhub query block --node "$node" > /dev/null; } 2>&1 )
# Extract and print just the real time
echo "$real_time" | grep -oP 'real\t\K\S+'
echo ""
Without Using Sentinelhub - Just install dependencies with sudo apt install curl jq bc -y
# Set the PATH environment variable
export PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin"
# Define an array of RPC node addresses
# Declare an associative array to store execution times
declare -A execution_times
# Loop through each RPC node address
for node in "${rpc_addresses[@]}"; do
echo "Testing ${node}..."
# Record the start time
start_time=$(date +%s.%N)
# Fetch the latest block height using the RPC endpoint
curl -s "${node}/block" | jq -r .result.block.header.height
# Record the end time
end_time=$(date +%s.%N)
# Calculate execution time
execution_time=$(echo "$end_time - $start_time" | bc)
echo "Finished testing ${node}, Execution took: $execution_time"
# Sort nodes by their execution time
sorted_nodes=($(for node in "${rpc_addresses[@]}"; do
echo "$node ${execution_times["$node"]}"
done | sort -k2 -n | awk '{print $1}'))
# Display the sorted nodes with their execution times
for node in "${sorted_nodes[@]}"; do
echo "Node: $node, Execution Time: ${execution_times["$node"]}"
# Select the top 5 fastest nodes
for ((a = 0; a <= 4; a++)); do
# Create a comma-separated list of the top 5 nodes
comma_separated=$(IFS=,; echo "${new_addrs[*]}")
# Format the output line
# Print the new line
echo "$new_line"
# Exit the script
exit 0