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Node Tools

Explore the Sentinel Ecosystem with the following statistical tools designed to facilitate seamless navigation through all nodes and discover specific details about each one. Below, you'll find tools created by both the Sentinel team and the community.

Sentinel Team

The following statistical tools, developed by the Sentinel team, provide detailed information about Node locations, graph statistics, as well as their health check status.

  • Node Stats: display comprehensive dVPN node statistics through graphical representation.
  • Node Map: a global map displaying all nodes across the world.
  • Node Dashboard: access node details, including location, earnings, provided bandwidth, active subscriptions and sessions. The dashboard also indicates whether a node has successfully passed the health check


  • Busurnode: this tool assists node hosts in obtaining information about their nodes' health check status. In case of failure, it provides details about what might have gone wrong.
  • Node Faucet: To kickstart your node, ensure your operator address has sufficient DVPN. For testing, use the Sentinel Node Faucet by entering your node operator address. The faucet will send 0.2 DVPN, ample for verifying your node's online status. Consider adding more DVPN for prolonged online presence.
  • Node Monitor Telegram Bot: A convenient Telegram bot designed to assist you in monitoring your dVPN nodes, providing comprehensive details about each node's status and performance.

Node Metabase Analytics

This tool, created by MathNodes, provides a range of statistics regarding Sentinel dVPN Nodes within the ecosystem.